Life in the UK test
- How many people in the UK own their own home? What is a mortgage?
- What do estate agents do? What do solicitors and surveyors do?
- How is the process of buying a house different in Scotland?
- Which organisations can people rent houses from?
- How do people apply for council accommodation?
- What is a shared ownership scheme? What is a tenancy agreement?
- Which organisations offer help to homeless people
Services in and for the Home
- Where can people find information on how to pay for water, gas, electricity and telephone services?
- What are the different ways to pay these bills?
- How and where is refuse (rubbish) collected?
- What does local government spend council tax on?
- What does the amount of council tax charged depend on?
- Which groups of people can receive council tax reductions or benefits?
- What is buildings and household insurance?
Money and credit
- What are the values of the UK bank notes?
- Where can people get or change foreign currency?
- How can people open a bank or building society account?
- What is a cash card or debit card? What is a credit card or store card?
- What is a credit union?
- What types of insurance do people buy?
- What is social security and who receives it?
- How can people get information about benefits?
- What is the NHS?
- What is the role of a general practitioner (GP)?
- How can people find their local GP?
- How do people receive medicines from a GP?
- Which groups of people receive free prescriptions?
- What is NHS direct, and NHS direct online?
- How can people find a dentist? Which groups of people receive free dental treatment?
- What services are available to pregnant women?
- Which organisations offer information on maternity and ante-natal services?
- How can people register births?
- What are the ages of compulsory education? How does this differ in Northern Ireland?
- Who is responsible for ensuring a child attends school?
- What are the different stages of education? At what age do children leave school?
- Where can people get details of local schools?
- At what age do children go to secondary school? How does this differ in Scotland?
- What are faith schools? What are independent schools?
- What is the national curriculum? At what ages do children take key stage tests in England?
- At what age do children take GCSEs and A levels?
- How is education different in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales?
- What is the role of a school governing body (or a school board in Scotland)?
- What do further education colleges offer?
- What is ESOL? What are adult education classes?
- How do university students pay their tuition fees
- What is the film classification system? What are the classifications?
- What is a television licence? What is the licence money used to pay for?
- What is the National Trust?
- How old must people be to buy alcohol? How old must people be to go into betting shops?
- What services are offered by vets?
Travel and Transport
- Which organisations provide information about trains, buses and coaches?
- Which groups of people can get discount tickets?
- How can a person get a driving licence?
How long can overseas driving licences be used for in the UK?
- What is motor insurance, road tax and MOT? Where can people purchase a road tax disc? Who can provide an MOT certificate?
- What are the laws covering seat belts, crash helmets and holding mobile phones whilst driving? What are the speed limits for cars and motorcycles?
- What should people do if they are involved in a road accident?
- What identity documents are generally accepted?
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